Upcycle Inspiration

The inspiration for my upcycle project came from these light projectors. Specifically, the green light shown above on the left. I have a family friend that uses one of these inside his home, right when you enter the house, so it looks like a cool, night sky scene. I have always loved the way the night sky looks when you can see all of the stars and wanted to incorporate that into my upcycle project. I knew I wanted to make something like one of these light projectors, but on a much smaller scale and thought to make some type of candle holder. As I began looking for ideas, I quickly realized that these are quite a popular DIY project. I’m excited to see how it turns out and if it will have a similar effect as some of these projectors.


  • https://tapestryking.com/products/celestial-constellation-projector
  • https://www.christmaslightsetc.com/p/Green-X1000-Laser-Christmas-Light-Projector-61883.htm

2 Comments. Leave new

  • […] Upcycle Inspiration […]

  • Hello Danielle, I like that you are including your own personal design inspired by the night sky. I am doing something very similar, but mine does not take advantage of light in the same way yours does. I like that you are making something you will be able to use in your everyday life. It would be cool if you could incorporate multiple candles or make the candles move in someway so the light flickers around similar to the devices you were talking about above. I am excited to see your finished product!

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