Upcycling: Design Process

My design process began with the material I knew I wanted to use: fragments of a porcelain mug. After some research I decided to transform the fragments into jewelry. The design I created was based on the fragments natural broken shape, and was composed of two earrings and a necklace. The bulk of the design process took place after my initial attempt at fabrication. I tried to create the earrings from the pieces, fishhooks and fishline. This proved to be an aesthetically unappealing design so I needed to redesign and re-fabricate. I chose to add hemp and actual clasps/hooks to the earrings and necklace as well as blue paint on the exposed pieces of porcelain to give it a more distinct finish. After theses steps the product was better.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Hi Morgan,
    I really enjoy the organization of your flow chart and how you really thought through everything. Also, I enjoy how you walked through the design process that you went through and how you had to re-design certain aspects to make sure it was appealing.

  • Chris Mcfadden
    March 8, 2019 1:28 pm

    Good flow chart and description. I like that you chose a material that was close to your heart. Maybe try to do some additional prototyping before creating the final product.

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