Top 5 Constraints 2019: Auto Pet Feeder

I will do an Auto Pet Feeder and here are my top 5 constraints:

  1. Aesthetic: As a mechanical engineer to be, my focus is usually on the functionality of the device but not this time. I’ll do my best to make by project looks beautiful!
  2. Cost: The average cost for this device is $50 and I will be using around $10 only.
  3. Arduino: It has a limited battery (voltage) that I can use and that might limit the ideas I have for my device. I will be using motors, pushbuttons and possibly sensors.
  4. Ashley: I will be giving this device to Ashley, my friend’s cat. He’s about 5 months old and the device needs to be safe for him. Also, the device might work for him only (more in that later).
  5. Size: The size must be moderate and enough for it to be stable. The device will be in the living room and it must take a limited space.

3 Comments. Leave new

  • Chris Mcfadden
    March 11, 2019 11:59 am

    This is a cool idea and very useful. I might lean more towards more modern aesthetics with smooth round surfaces which would also help with keeping it clean. I think a $10 budget might be a little slim for this project considering the electronics needed but I’m sure you could find some creative solutions.

  • Abdulrahman Alnoaim
    March 10, 2019 10:28 pm

    That’s a really interesting and unique idea as I have never seen an auto pet feeder before. I am excited to know why would the device work for one specific cat only!

  • You have a lot of options for an aesthetic. What would go best in your friend’s living room? Mid Century Modern? Arts and Crafts? Kitchy cat shape?

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