Final Report Pt 2: Floating Faucet

Before enrolling in this class I did not have the skills of incorporating aesthetics to my engineering designs and project. I used to have weak hand sketching and visualization skills. However, this class taught me a lot! Now, I feel way more comfortable in making my designs aesthetically pleasing. Additionally, I learned more about the different types of arts and the effects of different colors and shapes, which is highly important when dealing with different designs. What I like the most about this class is that it gives the students freedom to make their own projects with no reI’m really happy about the amount I learned and I achieved throughout this semester. It has been a truly great journey!

For my final project, I initially did not expect it to come out great, but now I’m really happy about it and I feel that it turned out somewhat like what I wanted it to be. Nonetheless, I’m planning to continue improving the design. For example, I want to use ultrasonic vaporizer in addition to using brackets for the tube to ensure higher reliability and resistance to vibrations. In addition, I’m willing to add a hole on the base of my design to funnel the pump’s wire through. Another possibility is to design and manufacture my own base, which I could add any sort of aesthetics to it. As I’m graduating, I want to take this project back home with me as well, and have it in our house. However, I’ll need to improve it prior to taking it with me.

3 Comments. Leave new

  • Chris Mcfadden
    May 7, 2019 6:21 pm

    This project turned out so cool! I like that it makes you think and puzzles you for a while trying to figure out how it works. Nice work!

  • Yousef Alqattan
    May 5, 2019 5:12 pm

    I like how you were able to make your faucet actually look like it was floating. This must have taken you a while to perfect. The brass faucet was a good choice as it’s what usually depicted as a magical faucets in cartons a TV shows. Have you thought of using a vintage wooden bucket instead of the porcelain pot you’ve used in this iteration of your design? As it will give it that old magical feel in my opinion.

  • Taylor Whittemore
    May 4, 2019 1:31 pm

    This project turned out looking really neat. I was wondering if you could speak towards the aesthetic that you were going for in your project and whether or not you thought that you accomplished the look that you were going for

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