Upcycle Progress: Bookshelf

The first step of things was to restore the sawhorses. I used a wire brush and sandpaper to clean the rust off of the brackets and clean the wood before staining.

Raw sawhorses

cleaning the brackets

cleaned sawhorse right raw sawhorse left.

After restoring the sawhorses I played around with how I would orient them. I ended up deciding to orient them in a stacked triangle with the legs of the top sawhorse fed into the mouth of the bottom two.


The sawhorses are made of 2x4s and are narrow so they will require support on the bottom. To make this support as well as the shelves themselves I will be using red siding from an old barn I think.


siding for support and shelves.

There will be a shelf in the middle of each of the two bottom supports. and three in the center diamond. of the triangle

Finally I stained the wood and let it sit for a few days

stained sawhorses

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Benjamin Robles
    February 5, 2020 11:58 am

    Hey Miles, I love how “UpCycle” this looks and feels. Giving a new purpose to this unused wood and metal pieces. I also really like the triangular book shelf instead of your typical rectangular book shelf. My questions are, what is the aesthetic(s) you are focusing in? And could you post a picture of a sketch of what you are envisioning the book shelf to look like? Will you add a back so the books don’t fall, or will you use a wall in your house for this purpose?

    • miles radakovitz
      February 6, 2020 5:18 pm

      I’m focusing on the industrial chic/farmer kind of aesthetic. There’s no backing, to be honest I finished this two weeks ago and I just have it sitting up on my wall. Its narrow, but the books aren’t really at risk of falling behind as it doesn’t hold that many books.

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