Option 1: Medieval Fantasy Hightower Spire
Following my inspiration post, the first option of aesthetic to apply to my desk lamp would be to create a replica of the Song of Ice and Fire universe’s Hightower in Oldtown. If I choose this option, I will make my desk lamp sufficiently tall (~1m height) and add a lot of intricate decoration to it to reflect the detailed stonework of the central spire from Ted Nasmith’s artistic rendering shown once again below as Figure 1.

Option 2: Futuristic Minimalist
Another option, again as discussed within my initial inspiration post, would be to keep it minimalist as a simple geometric shape and either white, black, or silver to adhere to a futuristic aesthetic. I would probably keep this relatively short compared to the previous option (~2ft max height). Choosing this aesthetic option would make it easiest to achieve my functional goal of sturdiness, as the lamp would be a simple geometric (likely hexagonal) prism. A concept sketch I’ve made of this particular option is shown below as Figure 2.

Option 3: Futuristic Laser Cut Sections
Yet another option with the same futuristic aesthetic would be to create a more intricate geometric pattern by laser cutting wood. This would make it most difficult to achieve my functional goal of sturdiness, but would also be much more decorative than the minimalist Option 2 above. An example of this such design is shown below as Figure 3, with a cascading arrangement of laser cut wood sections.

If I choose to do something similar to the above design, I want to add even more of a futuristic look to it by adding a metallic silver paint to all wood sections, to achieve a similar finish to the furniture shown below as Figure 4.

Image and Inspiration Citations
[1] “The Hightower at Oldtown”. TedNasmith.com. Accessed 18 February 2020 from http://tednasmith.poverellomedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/TN-The_Hightower_at_Oldtown.jpg
[2] “Cascade Design Laser Cut Wooden Table Lamp Shade”. Decoratorist.com. Accessed 24 February, 2020 from https://decoratorist.com/laser-cut-futuristic-tabletop-lamp/cascade-design-laser-cut-wooden-table-lamp-shade/
[3] “ Tips on using Metallic Paint and a Silver Painted Dressing Table Set”. LilyfieldLife.com. Posted by Fiona on 13 December 2013. Accessed 24 February, 2020 from http://www.lilyfieldlife.com/2013/12/tips-on-using-metallic-paint-and-silver.html
5 Comments. Leave new
[…] Main Project Aesthetics 2020: Desk Lamp […]
it seems as if you have a lot of different options going forward, are there any significant factors pulling you towards any particular design?
I like all of your ideas and think that they would all make unique and aesthetically pleasing lamps. I especially like your idea using the laser-cut sections of wood. This option combines the perfect amount of futuristic and simplistic aesthetics and would look at home on any desk.
Hello Noah!
At this point I have decided to move forward with the 3rd option, as it is compatible with a futuristic aesthetic while being more decorative than the simple geometric prism of Option 2.
Justin, again, I really like this idea. My favorite is your 3rd option of the futuristic aesthetic. I really like the geometric aspects of this design and I think you could come up with something that really grabs your attention.
Hi Daniel. Thanks for your input! I really hope I can find a way to do the design justice and crank the futuristic aesthetic as high as I can.