Design Review 1

I am making a wooden icosahedron  with an infinite LED illusion encapsulated within.

I got this inspiration from Deep Light Labs version of a dodecahedron paired with lighting and music. The light show and object together offer a beautiful display of lighting and depth. Check it out if you have a second to spare, it will be worth the watch.

To create this I have found guides on how to build variations of these objects and how they are generally assembled. With this, I am able to gauge the results of other DIY projects. For this I am following Instructable Circuits “Infinity Icosahedron”. This model is a good starting ground on building a internal framework for my project.

For this project I will build it in three sections: Interior Lighting, Exterior Framing, Programing. This project is my first “engineering type” project, I am hoping that by allowing the guidance of others with proper knowledge, they can help me understand the functions of what I am creating.

Interior Framing

The inside of the object is where the magic happens, it’s what gives it life. Inside contains a collection of LED strips, Acrylic Plexiglass, and One Way Mirror Foil, and a 3D Printed structural frame.

Below is Sketch Concepts:


Below is Reference photos from the Instructable guidline.

Below Are Materials Needed:

LED Lighting (60LED/M RGB) 5 meters total.

1/8th Inch Acrylic Plexiglass Sheeting


For the hardware I consulted a close engineering friend to help me pick the correct parts to get for the project. I have decided I want to assemble them myself to learn the process of programing, so the parts below I am still unsure of proper function, but soon will learn.


Arduino Teensy

ESP32 Bluetooth Controller

Exterior Framing

For the outside I am going to attempt to use up cycled wood to create outside plating for the interior. I am following a DYI version provided by “The Hando Mano” To help put the finishing aesthetic touches on this project. Hopefully if all goes to plan the object will be truly unique.

Handy Mano

Upcycled Wood


Deep Light Labs

The Handy Mano

Mano, Author The Handy. “DIY Geometric Icosahedron Ceiling Light.” The Handy Mano, The Handy Mano, 18 Oct. 2018,

Instructables Infinity Icosahedron

Instructables, Janth. “Infinity Icosahedron 2.0.” Instructables, Instructables, 27 Mar. 2019,


6 Comments. Leave new

  • I really love these things. I see them all the time at music festivals and they are absolutely fascinating. This will be a great project to do and one that you will be proud of. I really like the mix of resources you found and how you will make the frame out of wood. I would not skimp on the plastic mirror. Make sure that you get a good one that gives you the infinity effects that you see in the videos, becuase if you dont, it will not look good. Is it going to be a lot of work to code? How can your experience with coding help you with this and where else will you need help. Did you plan on putting anything in the middle? Think about it. Also, thanks for posting the video, really shows the potential of this project. Keep up the good work.

  • Zach Aldrich
    March 16, 2020 6:42 pm

    Neat project, I like how it plays into the visual aesthetic, and creates an illusion of infinite depth once operational. It seems like you have a solid, well thought out plan. My neutral question for you is, with the recent campus closures, and limited face to face interactions, how/if at all will this affect your timeline, and do you have the necessary skills/materials to pull this off at home?

  • Justin Engbrecht
    March 13, 2020 1:54 pm

    Hello Benjamin! The vibrant glow and geometric form of your featured image caught my eye so I decided to do a more in-depth critique of your design review post.

    As a statement of meaning, I really like the sense of depth and infinite LED illusion within the finite and relatively small icosahedron.

    Please let me know if you have any questions for me regarding your main project to fulfill the “Artist Asks Questions” step of Liz Lerman’s critiquing methods.

    As a neutral question, Do you plan to add the LEDs in a layout similar to the Deep Light Lightshow dodecahedron video? Are there other options for the layout besides the inner edges of the icosahedron’s faces?

    I have a permissioned opinion about how you might be able to expedite the exterior icosahedron frame construction, if you would like to hear it.

    Finally as a counterpoint to Patrick’s comment below, I think it would be kinda cool if you were able to make the icosahedron have a nice, clean wooden finish (maybe a polished, darker wood like cherry) on the exterior, and then when you turn the lights in a room off and begin the lightshow, people would be surprised through juxtaposition by the futuristic, vibrant LED lighting inside. There is a chance that the aesthetic of a rustic exterior could clash though. Best of luck proceeding with this project!

    -Justin Engbrecht

  • Patrick Bodine-Ellison
    March 11, 2020 11:29 am

    I’m interested to see how the “glowing orb” and wooden aesthetics combine in the final project. If the aesthetics end up clashing heavily the wood can always be painted.

  • Hey Ben,
    Interesting project! What do you plan on using code for. It is to cycle through color schemes for your project?

  • Ben,
    Your project seems very well laid out and I like the detail you have in your initial sketches. I also like the aesthetic you chose and how you plan on implement it. Electronics can always be a little challenging but I am sure anyone in this class will be willing to help you! The project itself is also very cool and is really pleasing to look at.

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