Design Review Part 2 // Kensue Kiatoukaysy

Elucidator Acrylic LED Sword

3/17 – Complete DXF
3/20 – Order Laser Cut Part from Online Source
3/25 – Collect Other Materials (Glue, Tape, Paint, ETC)
4/10 – Finish Project

Fabrication is to merely order the laser cut panel as access to the school laser cutter has been cut.


2 Comments. Leave new

  • Emily Jordan
    May 2, 2020 8:36 pm

    Awesome presentation, thank you for posting your video. Did you have any detrimental impacts from the pandemic? Were you able to finish the project?

  • Kensue –

    Given there are no comments so far on your post, I hope my feedback provides some value to your project, even though it seems mostly figured out in its redirection.

    Statements of meaning: I respect the simplicity of your redirection. While others may be quite discouraged by the recent pandemic, you’re simple solution provides a model in which we can all follow.

    Artist Questions: Let me know if you have any specific questions.

    Neutral Question: Are there more specifics to your timeline? What is the online source that you are going to order from (as I might also be interested in doing the same)?

    Permissioned Opinion: I would try and somehow make the project dynamic, or make it able to complete a task, if you have more time, given the timeline only goes up until 4/10 and we have until 4/20.

    Good luck with your project. Hope everything turns out.


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