Reading table: Covid Update

So with covid 19 closing down school and much of the other things in the area my project will either take two routes.

First: if I can get everything figured out before places like McGuckins and the like close I should be able to get all of the materials I need to more or less do the project without any grand changes. I will need to wait for this weather to pass so I can work in my backyard because staining and using resin in the house are not super great ideas.

Second: This is my contingency plan if I get sick and have to quarantine myself. I will be switching to off the shelf parts from amazon and other such places that I do not have to go get in person. This would largely mean using hairpin off the shelf legs, buying and modifying an off the shelf lamp to provide the light I want.

Overall, the main change is that I wont have access to a machine or a wood shop beyond the hand tools I have at my house. I wasn’t really planning on using those tools too much so that is not a big issue.

In terms of procuring the wood I contacted a lumber store in the area and they said that cross sections are a really bad idea because they break apart, but did say they have smaller more rectangular pieces that may fit my purpose well and they are open which is a weight off my chest as it was the hardest expected part of this.


featured image: low table by George Nakashima

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Christopher Lehr
    April 9, 2020 4:27 pm


    I am glad you are still looking to be able to finish your project in the current situation. Do you think that you would be happy with the legs that you can order online or have you thought about designing them yourself from something you can find either in the woods or around your house.

  • Noah Verspohl
    April 3, 2020 4:18 pm


    it is good to hear that the current circumstances have not drastically impacted your project. Will the square section of wood they recommended still have the natural edges you wanted? If not, do you plan to add any faux natural edges? Also, if you get sick and self-quarantine will you still be able to work in your backyard?

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