Design Review 2 – Cardboard Grabber

With the closures of all facilities on campus due to the pandemic, my schedule/plan for my cardboard grabber arm has changed significantly. For the aesthetics phase of my design, I planned to use the laser cutters in the ITLL in order to achieve precision, and sleek cut lines in order to get that iron man look where everything fits into place. Now that I will have to make these design freehand, it will take much longer and will most likely suffer aesthetically speaking. As of now my plan is to acquire, sterilize, and cut large pieces of cardboard and utilize adhesives like super glue in order to get all the pieces together. I project the arm to be fully prototyped by April 1st, with the final arm being finished on April 10th. And with a little luck the project should be fully ready by the presentations on April 20th.

Figure 1. Aesthetic Design Sketches

Video 1. Design Review Presentation

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Hi Zach, I agree with Austin. I am also having issues that would be non-existent if I had some of the on campus tools at my disposal. I am curious to see what your changes lead you to.

  • Austin Maes
    April 3, 2020 7:06 pm

    I think a lot of projects are going to suffer mostly in the aesthetics category when it comes to the closure of campus resources. Precision is much harder free handed and it will be interesting to see how everyones projects turn out.

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