Favorite Youtube Design/Build Videos

When looking for Youtube videos on build/design I decided to look for segments related to my project. I was able to find a few videos related to my topic that can be found below.


This first video uses similar lights to what I am using but he attaches it to acrylic using u-channel brackets. I like how the video is simple and focuses on the design without unnecessary monologue. One thing I wish it included was how the builder soldered the light segments.

The second video I found was similar to the first in the fact that there was no speaking, but rather video steps with text explaining steps. This video is very similar to my project because he is using LED strip lights in silicon casing attached to acrylic.

Both of these videos have given me inspiration and ideas on how to better carry out my project.


Citation for featured image:

“NASA LED Neon Sign.” Etsy, www.etsy.com/no-en/listing/651314023/nasa-led-neon-sign.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Hi Noah, I really loved the first video. I think what made it my favorite was the music and the overall length of the video. I find that a lot of build videos are very long and it is hard to stay engaged with what is going on. This one was short and entertaining, only including the critical steps in the design. This being said, I thought the second video was very informative and gave a more comprehensive process of making neon art.

  • Austin Ross
    April 5, 2020 9:59 pm

    Hey Noah.
    These look amazing! After watching the videos and how this idea interacts and mimics your project I am very excited to see how yours turns out!

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