Aesthetic Roots 2020: Modern/Futuristic Geometric Desk Lamp

Main Project Aesthetic Inspiration

Prior to the pandemic, I had just finished re-watching the first season of Westworld with some future housemates in preparation for the season 3 premiere. In the teaser trailers leading up to the newest season, we were able see some of the first glimpses of the world outside of the wild west theme park. Through careful location scouting and aftereffects, they use current day settings in Los Angeles and Singapore as the backdrop for the show’s events unfolding in 2052. As the series progresses, more and more of the futuristic world is shown. In season 2, an apartment with neutral colors and geometric furnishings is shown, and staged following the concept art below from David Moreau [1]. A lot of the outside world in the newest season is consistent with this room’s aesthetic.

Figure 1. Shot 1 of concept art for a Westworld scene from David Moreau’s Artstation [1].
Figure 2. Shot 2 of concept art for a Westworld scene from David Moreau’s Artstation [1].
Figure 3. Shot 4 of concept art for a Westworld scene from David Moreau’s Artstation [1].

I have a propensity toward sleek and minimalist designs for furnishings and past experience with laser cutting, so I figured I could create a desk lamp frame out of geometric wood panels and add a silver metallic paint or another neutral color finish to make a furnishing that would adhere to the aesthetic I enjoy so much from the Westworld series. The pandemic has proven challenging, and may ultimately have a larger influence than I anticipated over the aesthetic of this final project.

Aesthetic Developments

Supply shortages at Ponoko following the pandemic meant I had to switch my desired material from Maple Hardwood to Amber Bamboo Plywood to get access to a 31.1″ x 15.1″ sheet to accommodate my decorative panel DXF layout. By comparison, the amber coloration lends a sort of rustic aesthetic that may detract from my desired futuristic aesthetic. The Ponoko website overview of Amber Bamboo Plywood as a material is shown below as Figure 4. Ponoko does list Amber Bamboo Plywood as ideal for electronics enclosures.

Figure 4. Ponoko website overview for Amber Bamboo Plywood [2].

If I am unable to secure the silver metallic paint I need, I may need to pivot to a modern rustic aesthetic. I have recently received the lighting socket for my desk lamp, shown below as Figure 5. The matte black finish and brass ring should complimented by the coloration of Amber Bamboo Plywood more so than the coloration of Maple Hardwood.

Figure 5. Brighttia’s black and brushed brass plug-in wall sconce [3] that I will use as the functional base of my desk lamp.

The only remaining component for my desk lamp, once my laser cut wood panels arrive from Ponoko, is the bulb itself. It will need to be a medium E26 bulb to fit into my light socket, and I may want to get an LED bulb to reduce the chance of fire hazard when in operation and surrounded by wood. The bulb itself will have a massive effect on the overall aesthetic of the desk lamp. I may want to get a diffuse bulb to not be blinding if seen between the desk lamp’s decorative panels.

Image and Inspiration Citations

[1] “Westworld S02 – Observation Room”. Concept Art by David Moreau. Artstation. Accessed 7 April, 2020 from


[2]  “Amber Bamboo Plywood”. Ponoko. Accessed 7 April, 2020 from


[3] “Black Plug In Wall Sconce Light With Brushed Brass Ring – Flush Mount Wall Lamp Fixture – Mid Century Industrial Modern Edison Bulb Lighting” Brighttia. Accessed 25 March, 2020 from

5 Comments. Leave new

  • […] Aesthetic Roots 2020: Modern/Futuristic Geometric Desk Lamp […]

  • Justin-

    I appreciate the amount of detail you placed in describing your aesthetic roots. I, too, share the same enthusiasm for sleek and minimalist designs and very much enjoyed looking at your Westworld figures.


  • Benjamin Robles
    April 8, 2020 3:09 pm

    Hey Justin,
    I really enjoyed reading about your aesthetic and why you picked it. I have never heard of that show but seems worth watching during this pandemic!

    Are you not doing the original lamp with Game of Thrones tower aesthetic? And if not, is it because you don’t have access to a laser cutter? Or are you still using a laser cutter?


    • Justin Engbrecht
      April 12, 2020 12:26 am

      Hey Ben!

      Highly recommend watching the show. On a second viewing the first season seemed a lot better than I remember it being. I actually pivoted away from the game of thrones aesthetic because I decided to proceed with laser cutting. After the pandemic hit, I placed an order for my panels, frame, and base laser cut from Amber Bamboo Plywood. I will (in a way) still be using a laser cutter, and they’re expected to arrive on the 13th.

  • Daniel Straub
    April 8, 2020 11:18 am

    Justin, I love this aesthetic as well. I find that concept art from Westworld to be beautiful. I am interested to see how your lamp turns out. Thanks for sharing.

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