Futuristic (lighting) Upcycle

Continuing off of my initial aesthetic exploration of the futuristic style, I hope to incorporate this style into my upcycle project.

One of the key aspects of the futuristic aesthetic is light and its seamless incorporation. To exemplify this incorporation, here are a few examples from a house designed by Geometrix Design. Notice how the lights are not simply bulbs in the ceiling, but rather relatively large panels with varying complexity placed around the room. At first glace, some of the lights can be difficult to identify, such as the large light panel behind TV, while other lights such as the angled panels in the bedroom wall stand out. Nonetheless, the lights fit seamlessly within the space.


There are many other aspects of the above design that give it the futuristic feel, but the main emphasis for this post is the light incorporation. To give a more targeted example, see the examples of desktop lights below. These lights keep the same diffused / recessed feel of the above designs, but on a  much smaller scale. The more the light can be incorporated seamlessly, the better. Ideally, you wouldn’t even necessarily notice there was a light (despite how flashy and attention grabbing some of these lights are products may seem).


One very cool design I found while researching these futuristic light incorporations was a collection of designs by Sattler. These ring shaped lights fit very well with the futuristic aesthetic, and work to incorporate lighting with the diffused, recessed look.


While I do not have a set design for my upcycling project, I have a lot of inspiration to draw on. The biggest challenges I will face are finding materials to use and figuring out a way to assemble them so that it feels seamless and intentional. I have several lights from previous projects that I can use as well as quite a few other materials that seem to lend to this aesthetic. In my next post, I hope to have a design started and have the materials all ready to go.




[  Image Links and References  ]

https://www.geometrix.ru/works/w/?id=55&lang=eng via https://www.impressiveinteriordesign.com/exciting-new-apartment-with-futuristic-design-elements-that-are-truly-unforgettable/


Stylish-Modern-Table-Lamps-for-Home-Decoration-31.jpg (800×800) (quiet-corner.com)


CIRCOLOCIRCOLO – SATTLER (sattler-lighting.com)

Sattler : Luminaires design, Paris, France – Silvera


4 Comments. Leave new

  • I think whatever you decide to incorporate that into, it will certainly be a unique piece. The white light clean room futuristic look seems to be the go to for modern utopia type movies. I think the only thing I don’t like about the aesthetic is how when an entire room is designed this way, it makes it very bland and almost too clean looking. It gives me feelings of a very sterile hospital and I am not a fan of that. But I think designing a singular piece around this is a much more reasonable use of this aesthetic.

    • Brayden Shelley
      February 9, 2021 3:38 pm

      Agree! Taken to an extreme the white room totally gives off the sterile clean room vibe. I suppose that could be part of the aesthetic, but maybe drawing some distinctions from that would be good. Maybe adding in more complexity or more colors to give it some spark. I think one singular piece should be far enough away from that realm, but ill keep it in mind. Thanks!

  • I think this is a really cool style and you could do a lot of different things with your upcycling project to create this style in a desk lamp or something. I like how you point out that even if the lighting is not entirely hidden, it can still be classified in this futuristic style if it’s designed in a way that is unconventional for a light. As for the project, maybe you could use printer paper to cover your light source to generate that diffused light that is intrinsic to this style. Alternatively, you could use smoked acrylic to create the same effect. However, I would have liked to see some more ideas about what exactly you want to do for your upcycling project because I think it would be interesting to see what you want to do with this.

    • Brayden Shelley
      February 9, 2021 3:42 pm

      I like the idea of using printer paper as a light diffuser! I was thinking about using white tissue paper but an issue I’ve been running in to is that it is a bit rough looking. I’ll give the printer paper a shot and see how it looks! I absolutely agree that it would be good to see specifics of the artifact I’m making. For this post, I wanted to focus on the aesthetic in general and the direction I want to go. In my next post I’ll definitely show some progress and nail down more of the specifics. Thanks!

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