Upcycle Spatula

For my upcycle project, I will be making a metal spatula with a wooden handle. The materials that I will be using are a scrap piece of steel and a block of oak wood. The primary aesthetic of the spatula will minimalism. The minimalist aesthetic will mostly apply to the design of the spatula’s form. As I touched on in my first post, minimalist forms can be used to highlight the interesting materials being used in the construction of an object. This is what I will be attempting to do with the simplistic form of my spatula.


These are the raw materials that I will be using for my project: a thin steel bar and a block of oak wood.

The final product will be made up of a single bent piece of steel, and 2 oak pieces to form the handle with hidden pins. The wood will be sanded flat, and cut flush with the steel which runs through the handle. Because the steel that I have is not stainless steel, I will have to seal the surface of the steal with oil. This is a process called ‘seasoning’ that is commonly used on cast iron and carbon steel pans to prevent rusting. The raw metal is coated in a cooking oil which is then baked onto the surface, turning it black. Since I will use this spatula mostly with a cast iron pan, I think the aesthetic will match nicely.

This is a sample of what the oak will look like once it is sanded and finished with oil.

Though the form of the spatula will fit into a minimalist aesthetic, I think the materials being used fit into more of a rustic aesthetic, which was discussed in depth by Gary Marshall last week in post number one. The functional use of raw natural materials is reminiscent of the rustic aesthetic. It is my hope that the combination of the minimalist form and rustic materials will result in an overall aesthetic which is exciting and beautiful, while remaining refined and functional. I guess I will have to wait to see how well my design is able to convey this particular aesthetic feel.

For reference, this is a metal spatula that I already own. My upcycle design will be similar to this one, but will also feature some key differences, and a significantly different aesthetic.


Photo Source :

Kmart, www.kmart.com/en_us/yikes.html?from=PDP&for=A034714382&site=kmart.

3 Comments. Leave new

  • Amanda Tetrault
    April 26, 2021 7:33 pm

    Hi Erik,
    I love how you are using natural elements to create a minimal, functional piece. I cannot wait to see your final product. I understand the seasoning process for the metal, but will you have to do something with the wood to prevent it from splitting when washed or is there a specific washing method to ensure the longevity of your spatula?

  • Andrew Thorson
    February 4, 2021 1:31 pm

    I really like how your spatula design is going to try to channel both the rustic and the minimalist aesthetic. I thought that the sample piece of wood that you showed a picture of fit very well within those two aesthetics. One question I had was what tools you were planning to use to create your spatula since your project looks like it may require some tools beyond basic household things.

    • Erik Skooglund
      February 5, 2021 12:27 pm

      Hi Andrew, thanks for the comment. I appreciate the feedback! To answer your question, I have access to a wood shop and metal shop where I work, so I am pretty fortunate in that sense. Given the resources I have available, this should be a pretty straightforward build.

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