My Personal Aesthetic: Comfy Coze

My current personal aesthetic is “comfy coze”. All the thoughts and feelings that the word comfy elicits is the aesthetic I am rocking right now.  I personally think my aesthetic changes with life and we’ve been in and out of quarantine/isolation/ it’s about to dump snow all weekend, this is the aesthetic I embody. The images below show room settings that feature this aesthetic. Lots of blankets, pillows, books, a comfy bed or chair and soft lighting. Even though the picture on the left has much brighter lighting than the picture on the right, they still both give off major comfy vibes. You may find me curled up reading a book, doing homework, watching tv, or chilling on my phone but always very comfortable in one of these places in the dead of winter.

Another aspect to the aesthetic is a nice hot drink to accompany the book or other chill activity that is going on as is shown in the image below on the left. And nothing is quite as cozy as a kitten all curled up ready for sleepy time. The kitten on the right is my roommate’s cat, and when he comes and lies on your lap you just HAVE to be comfy even if you weren’t before. A cats purr is meant to be self-soothing, and I think it works for human’s too.

You will often find me wearing the following clothing when in comfy coze mode. Baggy sweatshirts, a soft beanie, and warm sweatpants are the perfect outfit for comfy time. They are often fleece or cotton and ALWAYS warm. Now some of you may be thinking that this is just a lazy look– someone who has too much free time to lay around and watch tv, but let me tell you it is much more than that. It’s comfy coze. You can just as easily get a ton of homework done while embodying this aesthetic.

You can even be active while still maintaining this aesthetic. The two images below show myself being active and outdoorsy but still wearing rather comfy clothes. And if I could draw your attention back to the lighting seen in the first two photos, you might find it similarly inviting and soft in the photos below.

And finally, this is me looking and feeling SO COMFY COZE.

Image sources:

Featured Image/Image 1 

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4 (mine)

Image 5

Image 6

Image 7

Image 8-11 (mine)

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Especially since I am in the middle of a snowstorm right now, this whole article and the aesthetic you explored has already improved my mood and makes me miss my bed. I think this a good choice for your final project if you do choose this one and I think you could make it work really well. It was also really interesting to see how you were able to encapsulate this aesthetic beyond just visual characteristics. However, I am more interested to see how you will use those non-visual characteristics in your project if you choose to go through with this one.

    • Valerie Welch
      March 14, 2021 9:33 pm

      Hey Sidd, thanks for your comment! I am so glad my post could improve your mood! This aesthetic certainly improves my mood as soon as I enter it. And I actually wasn’t think of using this aesthetic in my final project of making a tshirt quilt, but it fits anyway!

  • Natalie Jagelski
    March 14, 2021 12:34 pm

    I think a lot of people are embodying the “comfy-cozy” aesthetic quite a bit nowadays. I for one have been living in sweatpants and sweatshirts for the past year, as there’s no real need to dress up for virtual work or school and I feel just as productive, if not more productive, when I’m wearing something comfortable. I love that you described some aesthetic items that apply to senses that aren’t necessarily visual, such as a cat purring or a warm beverage. Those things definitely give off a comfortable vibe. I’m wondering if a modern or natural aesthetic also ties in a bit too? I’ve found that I feel much more comfortable in clean, open, natural feeling spaces than when I’m surrounded by clutter. Wondering if you feel the same? Nice post!

    • Valerie Welch
      March 14, 2021 9:30 pm

      Hey Natalie, thanks for your comment! So glad I’m not the only one who has been in a perpetual state of comfy. Also, I definitely think modern and natural aesthetics tie into this, especially the room settings. A few plants and neutral tones really tie things together. Definitely agree with the less clutter the better, unless its a well organized book shelf wall. I think out of all that, thought, the biggest thing for me is having lots of natural lighting.

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