Main Project – Neon Design and Alternatives

For my project I am going to make a neon sign with my user for gaming (my gamertag). I want to capture the glow wave aesthetic where the background is dark and you have bright blue or pink neon lighting coming through.

The idea for my neon design is shown below. I want an acrylic dark black background cut into my gamertag with the lighting around the lettering. I want to add the glitch effect you see in the lettering with the font and lighting. To control the individual lights I will use an arduino.

Although this aesthetic was one of my first ideas for this project, I did consider other aesthetics. An alternative is making the sign out of wood with a nature aesthetic. I would add fake plants or paint plants on the wood and add an owl face within the lettering. The owl face can be etched on the wood with a laser cutter and the plants would be bought. I decided to not go with this project as I feel the “gamer” aesthetic pairs well with the glow wave aesthetic as both have the use of colorful lighting.


With my neon sign decided on I have a couple of options to add for a background. I can add the flatirons to add that nature aesthetic I thought about earlier and to remember my time at CU or add the Denver skyline as it is my home and that will give it a more urban feel and look. I haven’t decided yet but those are some alternatives I thought about when making my gamertag sign that is going to be decoration in my room.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Bryce Gallo
    May 2, 2021 9:42 pm

    Hi Alex, I think that combing the nature aesthetic with something personal like the nature from CU or the skyline from Denver would look amazing. Neon accents most things really well in my opinion, and I was wondering if you were planning on using more muted colors for the nature/skyline to accent your gamer-tag more?

  • Amanda Tetrault
    April 27, 2021 12:34 pm

    Hi Alex,
    I like the way you plan to add the Flatirons to add nature to your neon sign. It will be a great way to continually use your sign no matter where you may live but always keep a piece of CU with you. The wooden sign would have been nice but I think the neon sign best represents your username. Do you plan to use purple and blue colored lights? Have you thought about lights that can change colors?

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