Floating Table : Specifications and Constraints

Rendering of final design

At this point I have finalized my design and all of the dimensions, and now I am starting the process of cutting out my metal pieces. It is important at this stage to make sure I have some key constraints and specifications outlined so that I end up with a functional and aesthetically pleasing product. These are my top 10 constraints and specifications for this project :


Top 5 Specifications :

  • Overall dimensions (for just the base without the top) are 30” L x 18” W ( within 0.125” ) and 19.8” H ( within 0.25” ).
  • All beam deflections should remain under 0.1” when fully under tension.
  • Tension on center cable should remain below 1000 lb.
  • Table top will have a 1” overhang on all sides ( within 0.125” ).
  • Table top structure should not deflect more than 0.5” in any direction relative to the bottom structure.


Top 5 Constraints :

  • All mechanics / tensioners are hidden in the final product.
  • I should be done building and ready for finish work by 4/19.
  • Metal is to be finished in a way that allows it to fit both the modern and the industrial aesthetics.
  • Metal will be sealed with a clear coat to prevent rusting.
  • Overall table must be light enough for 2 people to move with relative ease.


I believe these specifications/constraints will be the most important factors in achieving an end product that is highly functional while also meeting my specific aesthetic goals.


4 Comments. Leave new

  • Ankit Shukla
    April 11, 2021 7:58 pm

    Very cool Idea and the CAD looks great. It seems like you have most of the things clear in your mind from the specifications and Constraints

    • Erik Skooglund
      April 11, 2021 11:38 pm

      Hi Ankit, thanks for the response! Yes, I have everything pretty well mapped out in my head and with the CAD, but I am a little anxious to see how well that translates into the actual construction.

  • Hey Erik,

    This is a sweet idea! I imagine that the constraint you have about the weight being easy enough for two people to carry is going to be a relatively hard constraint to follow. Are you worried about achieving this constraint?

    • Erik Skooglund
      April 11, 2021 11:40 pm

      Hey Peter, thanks for the feedback! I am not too worried about the weight, but I suppose it depends on how you define moving with ‘relative ease’.

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