An Upcycling Progress Report

Thus far in my project, I have managed to salvage wood from the machine shop in the ITLL, and make a plan to move forward with. From the sketch that is both the cover photo of this post and down below, one is able to view my plans. As most of the wood I’ve reclaimed consists of 2×4’s, I plan to use a planar to cut them into strips of about 1 inch in width, and then attach these strips together, using wood glue and a vice to form a single unit of wood.

This single unit will then be cut down into a single 16 x 16 inch square, stained a coffee brown, and a finish placed on top. This whole process should be finalized with an attachment of the leg piece to the wood. This leg piece is yet to be found, but I hope to find it within the next couple days or so. The piece should be metallic, with either a black or green finish. If these colors can’t be found, I hope to paint the piece to account for this.

I hope to begin fabrication tomorrow, provided my other classes don’t have an exceptional amount of work required within the next few days.

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Cameron Sprenger
    February 19, 2023 7:52 pm

    I really like the coffee house aesthetic and think the coffee stain will make the table look nice. If you manage to find some metal for the base and want some help welding it together I’d be more than happy to help.

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