Upcycling project progress: Mini Quatrefoil Terrarium

During the time between my previous post and this one, I decided not to proceed with the two previous ideas that I had. I have finalized what I will be doing and have collected all the required materials for it. I chose to stick to the terrarium idea and decided to have it in a quatrefoil encapsulation which will be made from polycarbonate tubes.

Further, if there is time, I plan to create a tesseract enclosure for the terrarium itself, made from wooden skewers which would complete the concept that I have in mind. Here is a visual representation of what the project should ideally look like once it is completed:


2 Comments. Leave new

  • Hey Anil, this is a sweet project. I Love the idea of the tesseract and think it would take this to the next level. I was wondering how you plan on connecting the tubes together for the terrarium.

  • I love this idea! Building terrariums are fun! I really like the incorporation of a tesseract to make the terrarium suspended! Do you know how you are going to decorate the interior?

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