Design Report: Part 2

After sourcing all the necessary materials and considering the specifications and constraints of the project, I began the process of building the clock piece. In this section of the report, I will detail how the clock was constructed. The first step in building the clock was to prepare the wooden base. I purchased a wooden…

Design Report: Part 1

As a nature lover, I was always fascinated by the beauty of the natural world. So when I decided to create a piece of art for my final project, I knew I had to incorporate nature in some way. After brainstorming several ideas, I settled on a clock piece that would showcase the beauty of…

Final Project Progress

In terms of progress, I have completed the design of a clock, which can be seen in the image above. To transform my design into a tangible product, I obtained a wooden clock from Amazon that I plan to modify according to my idea. Specifically, I intend to use preserved moss to create the numerical…

Design Preview Report

This project is a unique and innovative clock design concept that blends modern minimalism with nature-inspired elements to create a positive and tranquil atmosphere in any space. The inspiration for this clock comes from modern buildings with vertical gardens, where the greenery adds a calming effect to the surrounding environment. My plan is to incorporate…

Specifications and Constraints

My final project idea is to create a vertical garden clock, and the primary decision is to choose between using preserved plants or live plants. If I opt for preserved plants, such as mosses, the process would be much simpler, and the artifact would require minimal maintenance. On the other hand, using live plants has…