Upcycling Design Report

I’m pretty happy with how my project turned out. In my last post I was finishing up with the outline sketch of the base. Since then I have changed some original plans that I had for the project. Originally I planned on making a model of the entire EC but found that cutting out all the cardboard pieces was very time consuming. I decided to only model the main building and part of the court yard. During the construction of my model I was scared that it might be fragile and unstable but the hot glue did a very good job at keeping all of the walls upright and in place.

Below is the final product. The building had lots of intricacies and strange geometry so I simplified lots of the buildings and roofs. I think the end result is still very recognizable and looks pretty good. I am debating on painting the buildings on my own time but I also kind of like the aesthetic that the cardboard gives. Just like the real EC, it has a mundane and old run-down look to it. In the future, I plan on keeping my model and placing it on a table near my computer for show. I still need to go back and clean up a few things like walls that have too much glob on glue and over hanging roofs.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Hi Jose, I am really impressed with the construction of this cardboard model of the EC. I want to applaud your craftsmanship on this because I know how difficult it can be to get clean cuts on multi-layered cardboard. All of the edges look pretty nicely done and the size of the building looks accurate to scale which is awesome. It really shows the true immensity of the building. I’m curious about what scale you worked at for this because it does look really concise and probably a lot took time to understand the dimensions IRL.

  • That is a very good model of the nearly incomprehensible building we spend so much time in. Really captures the sense that business majors may not be able to make it back across the bridge if they wander too far into the labyrinth. I think an airbrush paint could alter the color without detracting from the texture of the cardboard too much, if you do decide paint is something you want to pursue for this project.

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