Main Final Project Plans: Double Pendulum Violin

This final project revolves around the idea of the double pendulum. I am interested in this design because of the interesting dynamic component. These designs are usually incorporated as desk toys. This design is very dynamic and will require a lot of precision in order to make sure things balance the way that I want it to. As seen in the picture below, is a plan for what the final design will look like

This design will go after a realism aesthetic. I want it to appear (when standing still that it is a violin resting on a violin stand. When put in its dynamic motion, it will move in its chaotic motion. This plan will be outside the scope of the course but in the future it will be attached to a music box that will play “flight of the bumblebee” on a violin in an mp3 file when spun. This would go really well  with the chaotic motion of the machine.


This was not my first idea. My first idea was to actually make a plant stand made out of metal that would look exactly like a monstera. However, I came across a reel on instagram involving a double pendulum. Because my first idea wasnt dynamic, I knew I would have to make a pivot. Looking at this idea, I began to brainstorm. I wanted to stay on the idea of plants, however since they are extremely slow moving and have intricate details, making them move really fast and spin would completely negate this. I began thinking about violins and landed on my current idea.

This idea has a few problems depending on the way that I plan on doing it. However the biggest concern currently is how I will be able to accurately get the weighting right. Currently the prevailing conclusion is to use accurate measuring tools and math


For this project, I will want to setup a base structure for a random motion machine. This will require some bolts + nuts, small ball bearings, metal and/or wood rods, weights, and materials for a base frame to fit the choice of material (make the materials look like they go together)

3 Comments. Leave new

  • Pere Roquet Arroyo
    March 12, 2023 9:36 pm

    Ethan I am really looking forward how this project truns out. When were explaining me your idea I tried to imagine the final result and it looked awesome to me. Did you consider using anything other than a violin for this project?

    • Yes I did! I wanted to do something plant themed! I really enjoy nature and the natural world. After a lot of iteration in ideas I realized a fatal flaw was that even the simplest representations of plants would be too complex to be seen when spinning. I iterated to another idea that I enjoyed and landed on this one fairly quickly and it just felt right

  • Daniel Bojorquez
    March 6, 2023 6:57 pm

    I think it is a really cool idea. I really like that when it’s still it will look like a normal violin. This should be a very interesting project to build, good luck!

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