Specifications and Constraints for Visual Board

Understanding specifications and constraints is an important part of the design process for any endeavor. My project is a hanging visual display (projector screen) in a minimalist aesthetic. I have identified 5 specifications and 5 constraints for my work.


Adhere to my Aesthetic

  • As mentioned above, the aesthetic I’ve chosen is minimalism. For my final output to be successful I feel that I need to accurately represent this design choice. 

Accurately Display Visuals

  • This specification is one of functionality. I decided to build this project because I wanted a larger installation to display video visuals which I create. Success for this specification is very straight forward – it must be able to have video projected onto it!

Look Good Hanging from Ceiling

  • This is different from functionality in that it’s about the design adhering to the space. What I mean by “look good” is that I want it to naturally fit into whatever room it’s currently being displayed in.


  • I plan to have the final product be something that can be moved around and installed in different locations. For this reason I need it to be durable. This comes down to the construction methods I employ during the fabrication process. 



  • Or lack thereof. There are some more complex construction aspects to my project. For example, I plan to attach the screen to the rod by cutting a very thin insert. I then want to somehow adhere the screen inside the insert. I don’t have very much skill with precise woodworking and feel this might be above my pay grade. However, I have a backup design I may choose to go with.  

Screen Material

  • The material I’m going to be using for the screen is the only thing I have left to collect. I have done some research on the appropriate material to use. The common consensus is blackout fabric. However, I’m hesitant to use this material. I want something more sleek than fabric in the final design. In my mind I had envisioned some sort of plastic material but this may not be possible.

Time to Make Visuals

  • I had discussed in my first post that I want to create generative visuals with code. I’m starting to feel like this might not be possible in the time I have. The construction process itself is starting to seem like it may not go as smoothly as I had expected. I’m considering using some videos I’ve already created.

Space in Room

  • I’m planning to install my design in my bedroom to begin with. This isn’t a super big constraint. I’ll just need to move stuff around in my bedroom which could be a bit of a pain. 

Lack of Craftsmanship

  • Again, I’m not too worried about this constraint. I mostly want my final output to be clean and sleek.

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Project Specifications and Constraints