Custom Ice Tool Specifications and Constraints

The specifications and constraints are somewhat overlapping for this project. The most critical constraint is the amount of material available for the project. I plan on machining two tools out of billet 2024 T6 Aluminum plot stock; the material I have is 3/4″ thick and I would like to utilize as much thickness as possible to maintain torsional stiffness. The second constraint is using Petzl picks and their mounting interface, this will make the tools much more usable and easy to replace parts on because I won’t need to make them myself. There is also a creative aspect to this which is more of a specification than anything, I want the shape to be elegant, organic, and ergonomic. The last constraint is time, the machine time alone is estimated to be about 10hrs per tool which doesn’t sound like a lot but in terms of machining it is a multi-day affair per. There are probably more specifications and constraints that are apart of this project but I don’t think they are as high on my list as the aforementioned.














2 Comments. Leave new

  • Hunter Maul
    April 2, 2023 7:22 pm

    I am super stoked to see these things in actions! That design is pretty wicked. How will you be testing this design?

  • Reed Beidleman
    April 2, 2023 7:07 pm

    Super rad design! I agree that time will be your greatest adversary as you have to do a lot of machining to do. Are you planning on making this more of a skeleton when you make it out of aluminum or are you sticking with the inset on each side? Either way would look great, I’m just curious how much it will weigh. Really excited to see how this turns out!

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