Post 9: Design Preview Report

Over Spring Break I was able to complete a decent amount of work of this project, nearly completely it to be honest. As I previously said in my prior post, I am planning on making a wooden jewelry box with a pin hinge that is inspired by mid-century modern furniture.

The project thus far has been carved and assembled. I tested some stains but I am not a fan of the finish at least for one of the parts. The pin hinge was much easier to insert into the wood, or at least easier than expected. Moving forward, I plan on continuing to sand the box and look at some different finishes for the wood. Currently the base has a walnut varnish and the lid has a black varnish. In addition to those stains, I am unsure if I should keep the raw and unfinished wood-look or add a polish or some sort of shiny finish to the box. I feel as if both would fit the mid century modern aesthetic, so some opinions of that would be great appreciated.

Below are some images of the project as well as an aesthetic/inspiration picture:


2 Comments. Leave new

  • Heider Iacometti
    May 7, 2023 4:14 pm

    Hey India, I think finding some stain that you enjoy would look good for your project. I personally believe that the stain will add a sort of elegance to your piece, however I can also see the aesthetic of leaving it raw.

  • Ben Fougere
    May 5, 2023 4:31 pm

    Hey India, wanted to note that there are no photos on this post so if you do come back to edit it I think itd be helpful to see what it looked like at this stage of the project, sounds very cool though!

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Design Preview Report // Heider Iacometti
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