Since the Design Review, I have kept up with my schedule for my projects completion. I have received my circuit parts in the mail and wired and tested them on a breadboard. I unfortunate have LED’s that ran into a supply chain issue and they would arrive within 1 day of the due date, so hopefully I have time to add those. Today I was also able to get a spot on a 3-D printer and began my 13 hour print. Next steps would be making sure my 3-D print came out as I wanted it to and adding the aesthetic decorations. From there I will need to solder the compete circuit together and mount it inside the box.

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Peter Jakubczak
    April 23, 2023 1:44 pm

    Hi Grant,
    Great progress so far. I may be incorrect, but the itll should have some LED’s available for students. I would definitly check there if yours don’t come in time.

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