After sourcing all the necessary materials and considering the specifications and constraints of the project, I began the process of building the clock piece. In this section of the report, I will detail how the clock was constructed.

The first step in building the clock was to prepare the wooden base. I purchased a wooden clock online that I would customize into my design. I painted the border of the clock with black patio paint to give it a defined border and make the flowers and leaves stand out.

Once the paint was dry, I moved on to the next step of sticking white sand onto the surface of the clock using wood glue. This required a lot of patience and attention to detail to ensure that the sand was evenly spread across the surface. I made sure that the glue was applied evenly across the surface of the clock to avoid any clumps or unevenness.

After the sand was evenly spread, I began the process of layering sand on top of it to ensure that the wooden surface was completely covered. This required me to wait for the first layer to dry before adding the next layer. The sand was purchased locally, and I made sure to choose a fine-grained variety that would not obscure the pressed flowers and leaves.

To create the numerical markings on the clock, I used the reindeer moss I had sourced earlier. I separated the moss into smaller parts and filled in the cut-out of each number with it. This helped to create a natural and earthy look that complemented the overall theme of the clock.

Further, I began to add the pressed flowers and leaves onto the surface of the sand. I had purchased various pressed flowers and leaves online, and I carefully arranged them in a manner that would give the clock a natural look. I made sure to use a light hand when adding the flowers and leaves to avoid crushing them or causing any damage.

Lastly, I reattached the dark wood hands that were temporarily removed earlier, which provided a clear contrast against the white sand background, making it effortless for anyone to read the time.

In conclusion, the clock piece was constructed using a wooden clock that was customized to my design, white sand that was layered four times to completely cover the wooden surface, reindeer moss for the numerical markings of the clock, and pressed flowers and leaves that were carefully arranged on the surface of the sand. The finished product was visually appealing and durable, and I was able to stay within my budget of $50 to $100.

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