Upcycling Progress: Oceanpunk Scuba Tank

For my upcycling project, I have decided to create an artistic scene on a scuba tank at the bottom of the ocean representing an oceanpunk aestetic. I chose this aesthetic because I thought I would be able to use very minimal materials, many of which are from everyday items. I also decided to go with this aesthetic because oceanpunk can be represented in many ways so I was free to choose what I do.

Since the materials I chose for my project are minimal, I have already been able to collect most of it. Currently I have a pizza box, which I can use for the background and the scenery alike, which will be more than enough. I will have to paint it, which I have not decided how I will do this yet but the background shouldn’t be too hard since it’s all black and I have some spray paint laying around. As far as the scene around the scuba tank, I can also use the pizza box since it will be easy to cut into what I need it to be. 

I also decided to incorporate plastic into my scene, although I am not sure how easy it will be to sculpt into what I want. I may scrap this idea later but it can bring sturdiness to the scene, I may use it to prop up something like a fish, painting it black as well in order to hide it from the rest of the scene. The plastic is definitely something I don’t want popping out.

The last main component I am missing is what I am going to use for the scuba tank. For this I will most likely use a metal can and sand it down, since it is made out of aluminum creating a great metallic look that I am looking for. I am also still trying to figure out the best paint to use for this project. Painting is not something I am entirely familiar with, but from what I have seen acrylic paint would more than likely give me the colors and texture I am looking for. To actually construct this project, it can all be done at home so I don’t have a big plan to put it all together. I will just see how it goes and adjust if need be.




2 Comments. Leave new

  • Hi Cannon, your project looks like it’s coming along very well! I really like the idea of using an old aluminum can for your tank design. I also agree with your initial thoughts to use acrylic paint. I think that will give the best color while sticking to the materials you’re painting on. I am curious how you will be decorating the scuba tank. Will you be attaching any decorations like pipes or dials on the scuba tank? Good luck with the rest of your project!

  • Barrett Lister
    February 11, 2024 5:26 pm

    Can’t wait to see what you do as the ideas you have laid out are awesome! I am excited that you are keeping with the Oceanpunk aesthetic, and I think the scuba tank is a very cool artifact to ‘dive’ into (pun intended). How big are you thinking about making the project? I am always a sucker for life sized objects, as it is very fun to interact with and see all the detail.

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