Main Project Aesthetic: Plans and Alternative

As discussed in my previous post, I plan to emulate the work of Alexander Calder and his kinetic sculptures for my final project. The aesthetic of these sculptures falls into the category of modern art as it uses abstract shapes and clean colors while prioritizing form rather than function. The clean lines, organic forms, and moving parts are quintessential modern art. I created a brief sketch of what I’m hoping my project will look like below:

I think I might aim to create something a bit more ambitious in my design than the above mobile. One of the most engaging part of Calder’s work is the feeling of weightlessness his mobiles have: they seem to defy gravity in the air. One of my favorite pieces is called “Peacock” which uses feather like attachments to each arm of the sculpture. I really the use of color, shape, and line that helps direct your vision across the piece. The photo below shows this piece:


I really enjoy how this piece evokes the idea of a peacock through the careful color choices and the use of shape without using explicit imagery. I think trying emulate a fish using this method might be interesting: specifically a betta fish.

The first of the alternate designs for my project would be to use maximalist design principles to create a mobile that dominates the room in appearance. I think the idea of stringing beads and gems along wire and then suspending them from the same cross bar arms that the mobile would use would be interesting. I think the idea of sheets of beads is an intriguing visual. The following image is a good example of a possible design of the beaded curtain. The haphazard use of beads really emphasizes color and the visual variety of designs.

Handmade Bohemian Beaded Curtain Valance Sun Catcher


I think that this design would have to be the centerpiece of a room if I were to make it; additionally this design would require a different form of mathematical analysis to balance. Rather than point loads, the weight of this mobile would be closer to weight distribution. This aesthetic could also be characterized as Boho Chic.

The second alternate aesthetic I could use to design my project would be cyberpunk. I could use neon light cables to wrap around the mobile and have the ornaments of the mobile be sleek black and silver polyhedrals. Both utilizing the typical use of light in the cyberpunk aesthetic and the clean lines and shapes. I think this design would really capture the industrial feel of the aesthetic! Below is a cyberpunk image that I think encapsulates the ideas I would try and highlight in my design:

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty

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4 Comments. Leave new

  • I like the alternative aesthetics, I think a maximalist mobile would be a cool way to contrast the original artwork you are taking inspiration from while using the same general principles. Are you still planning to do the Bauhaus / minimalist style mobile or are you considering the alternative aesthetics?

    • Trent Bjorkman
      March 12, 2024 4:33 pm

      Hi, Alex. I’m definitely inspired by the Bauhaus style, but I was hoping for a more contemporary aesthetic of the Modern art style!

  • Sarah Pepper
    March 10, 2024 6:19 pm

    Hello, I think your project idea is both artistic and could look amazing as a decorative room centerpiece as you mentioned. I know we are still in the ideation phase, but have you thought about what materials you will use? I am also curious how the piece will move.

    • Trent Bjorkman
      March 12, 2024 4:35 pm

      Hi Sarah, thanks for the comment! I’m going to use high weight fishing line, 14 gauge steel wire, and aluminum sheeting that I am going to cut using steel snips.

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Main Project Aesthetic: Vintage Paleoart/Stop Motion