The process of making this outfit was to make and solidify a template of the jacket, papercutting designs onto the jacket, sewing the jacket together, to then adding the fur, vinyl, and snap details onto the jacket. 


I started to laser-cut the floral design onto a pre-bought jacket and it was going great until the laser cutter stopped halfway through the cut and crashed. I tried to redeem the outfit and restart the cut and it ended up just looking bad. I decided to start from scratch and buy new and nicer sheets of suede leather to restart the laser print. I laser-cut the designs before cutting out the pieces of fabric in the jacket pieces themselves. I then pieced the pieces together with pins before sewing them together. I then laser-cut the sleeves out of the fabric and then sewed everything together including the collar. 

The next step was sewing the fur onto the jacket. I had 4 rabbit hides and had to cut strips into it and I wanted to be careful so that the fur direction and color accentuated the collar. I then added the vinyl leather details by gluing them on. I laser cut stripes for the chest, back, and sleeves that I glued on as well as two cuffs on the sleeves. 

The next step was to put the trim at the bottom of the jacket. It was a pretty easy sew but I needed to be careful since it needed to be clean because it was very visible. 

I then used the laser cutter to cut the tassel which made making the fringe very easy. I added snaps evenly spaced on the bottom trim for the tassel to be snapped on the jacket.

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Travis Mulford
    May 8, 2024 10:43 am

    Hi Cole,
    This project looks awesome, I really like the western look of this, and I think the fur lining is a nice touch. Did you have any sewing experience coming into this project, and was sewing leather for this difficult?

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