Final Report Part 2

So, now is the part where I tell you about how I made my project. As I said in the previous post, I’ve had a lot going on in my personal life that threw me off my course in making this as perfect as possible. That being said, I’ll tell you about my process. These…

Final Report Part 1

So, here is my final project. My entire game plan with making is got a little messed up. First I got the flu and was stuck in bed for a week, then some other nonsense came up in my personal life, then this weekend, I wasn’t able to use the machine shops because of various…

Progress: Space Desk Ornament

Since my last post, I sadly have not made as much progress as I had initially hoped. Last week was meant to be centered around gathering materials, playing with ideas, testing processes for building my design, and finalizing my plan. Instead, I got extremely sick. I had a high fever for a week straight that…

Post 8: Specifications & Constraints

For my final project, I’m making a sort of desk ornament composed of a flat base, a center shaft, two rings surrounding the shaft, and wires used to suspend the rings from the shaft, as well as some hanging planets. My specifications and constraints for the project are listed by importance below. The first specification…

Post 7: Plans & Alternatives

For my main project, I’m planning on sticking with my spacecore aesthetic since I’ve gotten to know it well, I like it, and it would be fun to have a consistent aesthetic between my upcycle project and my main project. My idea for my project is as seen below. There is a round disk as…

Main Project Plans and Inspiration

What is your personal aesthetic? The aesthetic that I have been running with thus far is spacecore, and previously it was retro-futurism. Both of these aesthetics share some qualities: some retro-futuristic artworks could be considered spacecore as well. The reason I switched is because the retro-futurism aesthetic requires that I include artwork with the style…

Upcycling Aesthetic: Spacecore

The aesthetic I have chosen for my upcycle project is spacecore. I picked this aesthetic because it shares some of the qualities of my previous post’s aesthetic: retro-futurism. Both of them take advantage of the night sky, technology, bright colors, and ethereal images. The reason I did not go with retro-futurism is because I thought…