Skill Sets of an ENVD Major

I believe my strongest skills that I possess to contribute to my team is my different perspective and my artist’s eye. I am a sophomore in ENVD and have been in studio-based courses beginning Freshman year. I am used to rigorous workloads and having to crank a design or project out in a short amount of time. I am excellent at time management skills, allowing me to balance all of my schoolwork, jobs, and organizations I am involved in. I believe this is an important trait to have on a team because someone has to be the executor and planner to get things done. I am good at organizing groups of people and making sure everything gets done on time.

Coming from ENVD, I have a very different perspective on design and how design works from an architect’s view. We focus a lot on the idea that there should be a reason for every design decision you make. We work a lot with the landscape and designing for people or specific programs. This means that all the designs we make have a reason for being designed a certain way and good design is derived from the site, program, and  users. The solution to an architect or landscape designer’s problem is multi-layered and focuses on many aspects of the function. Our goal isn’t to just make beautiful buildings or parks, but to ensure that their function is being fulfilled. This generally lines up with being aesthetically appealing as well. I think our iterative design process may be similar to engineer’s prototyping, so I understand the importance of reworking an original idea and making it stronger through iterations. I think my slightly different design process and seeing design in a more artistic way will be my greatest asset to my team. As for practical skills, I am proficient at laser cutting and have a good grasp over the Adobe Creative Suite. I am a fast learner and love learning new computer program skills as well.

I have always been an artist at heart and love design in all areas from furniture design to interior design, to large scale building and park design. I am a bit of  a perfectionist and I like making my work and anything I produce be visually appealing in some way. I have an innate sense of what “looks right” and what is slightly off and know how to fix it. Many people can sense when something is off about a composition, but can’t lay their finger on it or are unsure how to correct an off balance design. I believe I can naturally see what is visually unappealing about different designs. I think my eye for design will really help our team to produce designs that aren’t only functional, but are overall beautiful and catch peoples eye. This really shows through with my graphic design skills. I can create well designed posters and power points that use appealing color schemes and get the information across.

My perspectives from my education in ENVD as well as my work ethic and intrinsic ability to spot a balanced design will help my teammates to explore new ways of design and hopefully help them create aesthetically beautiful designs.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Elyse, I am so excited to have you as a member of our group! I think that I will definitely need help in the “art department” of my project. I was possibly looking at doing some cool lines that could be laser etched into some wood but I am no good at Illustrator (I think it is part of Adobe but maybe not) and at making appealing designs. Maybe you could help me out with this!

  • Peter Brunsgaard
    February 15, 2016 12:28 am

    Elyse, I’m excited to brainstorm project ideas with you! Brainstorming and coming up with a good idea is always the hardest part of any project for me.

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aesthetics, artistic, design, ENVD, models, With my
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