Shipping Pallet Garden: Final Presentation

Watch final presentation here:

Watch prototype presentation here :

Pictures of the final product at the ITLL Design Expo on April 29th, 2017. Curtesy of Professor Jean Hertzberg.

13 Comments. Leave new

  • Oksana Schuppan
    May 5, 2017 11:21 pm

    This design was immediately captivating to me! So natural and so Boulder! You are a true artist. I bet there are many stores (Wholefoods, Sprouts, Trader Joes, Modern Market) that would be interested in displaying these and many locals that would use them as well. Great project!

  • Scott Lowenstein
    May 3, 2017 9:38 pm

    You did a great job on this project, and I think it came out very well! It provides a lot of space for herbs, and has a nice outdoor feel that would fit well into most settings where one would place it. It was interesting to hear how you shaped your ideas, and turned your vision into reality. Great job!

  • Ridhvik Gopal
    April 24, 2017 12:25 pm

    I really like the rustic aesthetic that you went with. You have taken a lot of time and care to plan and execute staining and finishing the wood. Using the chalk paint on the wood is a really good idea! Your presentation was excellent and informative. Overall, this project came out really well and I am taken by the craftsmanship. This is something you could definitely sell and would make a great gift. This is something I see put in the patio or near the entrance of my house!

  • Gautham Govindarajan
    April 24, 2017 12:22 pm

    The scale of your project is really astonishing. Appreciate the amount of work you put into your project. It looks really cool. Too bad you didn’t have time for growing the plants. That would’ve been awesome. The aesthetic too looks nice and consistent with the Organic design.

  • I really enjoyed your step by step presentation regarding the construction of the garden. I got into a decent amount of woodworking for my project so seeing your woodworking experience is interesting. The final product came out really nice! It’s cleverly designed to allow the plants to grow freely and the stain choice left a very nice rustic looking aesthetic.

  • I actually like the cleaner look you went with. The shipping pallets can be really rough cut as well, so a higher potential for slivers! For the chalk paint template, maybe you could have laser cut a template out of acrylic so that there wasn’t as much waste.

    Did you put any holes in the bottom for the excess water to drain out? It would create a waterfall like effect!

  • This is going to look great on a patio or porch. Do you like the varying stain colors or do you wish it had been more uniform? I could understand either way, just wondering what your interpretation is. Were the cuts for stability or just so that each shelf would sit horizontal? Is there anything you think you could have done to avoid tape waste? Your L-supports could still be used if you used press-fit fastenings instead of hardware, that way you can remove them when you are using a wall or slide them back on if you need it free-standing or want additional structural support.

  • Alexandra Rivas
    April 24, 2017 12:19 pm

    I personally like the new aesthetic! It is really clean and organic. It is also really cool that you can wipe off the plant name because you can constantly change up what you are growing.
    Did you set a budget for yourself and did you go over that budget?
    Creating two shorter gardens may have been more manageable- lighter and easier to transport. I also just imagine this being great for like children learning how to garden so having a shorter pallet would be nice, but thats just totally a different functionality idea. I really love this. I think I may try making one of these whenever I move out of my apartment and into a house.
    Looks great! Im curious as to why you want to sell it instead of using it?

  • Emma Hammerton
    April 24, 2017 12:17 pm

    I like that you cut the sides and the bottom of the legs so that your pallet garden will lean at a specific angle — that shows some great attention to detail. It’s really impressive also that you cut all of those angles with a handsaw (I used a handsaw for my project, so I know how frustrating it can be). The aesthetic is definitely far more evident thanks to your choice to not use the supports. I know that you are bummed that you couldn’t include the plants, but I think that the standing garden itself is a really great project. The aesthetics of your project are fairly consistent and follow your “organic” design. Was the inconsistency of font a design choice, or did it just sort of happen? What about your design do you consider to be dynamic? If you were to sell this work, how would you ship it?

  • Cyron Completo
    April 24, 2017 12:17 pm

    The standing frame looks great! It definitely emulates the suburban aesthetic: I could envision this standing in the garden of a suburban home. The wood staining is quite subtle and gives the frame an aged look.
    Excellent documentation, I understand all of your design choices and how you accomplished your project.

  • Came out really well! Looks great! Wouldn’t want to kill the plants! I really like the clean and simple aesthetic. The stain came out really well. Amazing what you can do with stain. Did you stain before you cut the wood? I’m trying to decide what I should do for my project! I had the same issue with my wood, I had to buy specific hardwood that was stupid expensive to buy.

  • Morgan Ulrich
    April 24, 2017 12:16 pm

    I like how you address your prototype and how it morphed to the final garden. It’s cool that you show the calculation you made on the old prototype. I stained all of my bedroom furniture and understand how long it takes to get a saturated stain. Sometimes sanding down the wood before staining creates a more saturated finish.

  • Siddharth Nigam
    April 24, 2017 12:15 pm

    Good description and details in the steps. It’s pretty cool you reused the wood and hid the part where you messed up the paint.
    The staining came out really good. I hope you can grow the plants soon and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

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