Jae’s Top 5 constraints

  1. Budget
  2. Manufacturing time
  3. Aesthetic: Environment brings women
  4. My emotion
  5. Electrical circuit

I am living off of a really tight budget in general because our family is having economic difficulty so I will try to use free or cheapest resources as much as possible. I need LED projector lights, cellophane papers, a spinning base, black paper. Since I am under budget, I have to give up musical aspect so I will focus on the visual aspect. Hopefully, someone takes my idea and create a soundbar that sync music and visual together.

For manufacturing, this project wouldn’t need machining. This will be more like cutting cellophane papers and maybe little machining top part of product that projects on the ceiling.

I will stick with nightlife aspects of Aesthetics, I will constraint myself what I personally think that gives girls excuses to come to virtues which is shinny, beautiful, and cool places.

My emotion come big role when I want to do anything. So I will try to have good emotional state to craving craftsmanship.

I hope I can purchase spinning base. If I cannot have it, I have to do some electrical circuit design to create one using motor. Hopefully I find that is exist in the market since I am not expert at electrical engineering.

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