Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations

Like a majority of the people in this course, my skills are heavily skewed toward engineering. However, I fancy myself a jack-of-all-trades. I like to dabble in a lot of different areas. From woodwork to sailing, from archery to welding, and from sewing to scuba diving.

On a more practical level I am CSWA certified in computer aided design. I have worked at Ball Aerospace doing everything from mechanical design, test conductor, electrical ground support equipment, mission assurance, and manufacturing. I am also proficient in a machine or welding shop.

I have always been a tinkerer at heart. Always taking apart household appliances to the dismay of my mother and trying to put them back together. I have always had this driving curiosity with how things work. One of my favorite shows is ‘How its Made’.

Along with all those things you can always find me looking up at the stars on a clear night. The curiosity of what’s out there and the fascinations with the unknown still drives me. A veritable space nerd through and through. I want to work in the aerospace industry just like my father. Working at Ball has been a dream come true and I’m still giddy as a school boy when I get to suit up and be in the same room as hardware that will be sent to space!

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  • […] Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations […]

  • Hey Chris, it seems like you really like to try new things! Sounds like you are a pretty busy individual. I think its awesome that you’re working for a company such as Ball considering your passion for space exploration! Woodworking is something that I want to get more involved in. And that awesome that you take up sailing! I see myself doing that as a pastime later in my life!

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