Above is what occurred in my presentation for my CDR.

14 Comments. Leave new

  • Yousef Alqattan
    March 25, 2019 11:10 am

    Very nice design excited to see what you end up with

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  • Max Buechler
    March 11, 2019 1:24 pm

    Board games are always fun to play and make, especially when you can play with the aesthetic. As dice are an important part of this have you considered making your own dice so that they will match the aesthetic?

  • Eleanor Pearson
    March 11, 2019 1:24 pm

    This sounds fun and I like the aesthetic. It makes sense to me as an aesthetic even though you don’t have an actual name for it which is cool. I think using the laser cutter will be a good way to make this accurate! How big is it overall when it’s done?

  • Nicholas Degenhart
    March 11, 2019 1:23 pm

    I like the idea of applying an aesthetic to a usable piece. I think there’s a lot of potentials to really expand the aesthetic of the piece. Have you thought about engraving some sort of design into the wood that would match your aesthetic?

  • Hussam Alzahrani
    March 11, 2019 1:23 pm

    It’s really interesting to see someone do a board game for your final project. I like the concept of your game. It would be nice to see your execute the rustic aesthetic you were describing. If you are using burnt wood, maybe get the darker ones?

  • This is a really unique board game. It would be really cool if you figured out how to create the die or maybe integrate a new rule into the game. I like the burnt wood/cork aesthetic that you are going for. Have you thought of combining this and another game by any chance?

  • Andrew Lapham
    March 11, 2019 1:23 pm

    Interesting game. Any thoughts of stains on the wood or what type of wood are you thinking about. I might try and define your aesthetic a little more. I think I get what you are saying, but see if you can find some examples. Best of Luck!!

  • Yousef Alqattan
    March 11, 2019 1:22 pm

    I really like the board game idea you presented. I can’t wait to have the chance to play with it at the end of the semester. Making the dice match the board game would be cool idea to implement.

  • Conrad Trybus
    March 11, 2019 1:22 pm

    I’m curious to see how the “I smoke cigars” aesthetic will end up looking. Seems pretty cool.

  • William Benson
    March 11, 2019 1:22 pm

    This is very unique. I would like to learn more about how the game is played. I like the idea of making your own dice to match the aesthetic.

  • Nice! I think this will turn out cool. What aesthetic are you thinking of incorporating into this design?

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