Summing Up 2019

Overall, I’ve had an amazing experience in this class and I learned a lot. Whether it’s the various styles of art that have existed throughout history or simple skills that are necessary for sketching, this class gave me a new perspective on design and allowed me to explore my own sense of art. While many of my other engineering classes were heavily focused on technical skills and sometimes limiting in the sense of creativity, this course was a nice change of pace. Throughout the semester I was able to design and construct two main projects. I made an aluminum rose and a Japanese Shi-Shi Odoshi. Images of these projects can be seen below.

Listed below are the links to the posts that I have made throughout this semester:

Aesthetic Exploration: Minimalism

Upcycle Progress/ Design Process

Upcycling Inspiration: Aluminum Cans

Upcycling Final Report: Aluminum Can Flower

Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations

Main Project Inspirations

Top 5 Constraints

Design Review Report: Metallic Shi-shi Odoshi Fountain

Current vs 20th Century Design Movements

Construction Timeline: Shi-Shi Odoshi

Main Project: Final Stretch Progress (Shi-Shi Odoshi Water Fountain)

Main Project Final Report Part 1: Shi-Shi Odoshi

Main Project Final Report Part 2: Shi-Shi Odoshi