I’ve been working on turning egg cartons into a plant vase with a Scandinavian look. First, I cut a couple of cartons in half and flattened parts of them to make them look better. I painted them all white with acrylic paint. Now, I’m trying to decide whether to stick with the white or maybe change it to a soft gray. The white works well as a base, so I can easily switch colors if I feel like it later.

Materials I have gathered so far

Painting progress
The next step is figuring out how to make the cartons waterproof. A way to do this would be to coat them with a plastic sheet and glue them together. I am not sure if this would be stable enough or how exactly to coat the egg cartons. Another idea I have is to stick them onto a glass container and use the cartons as decoration. This way, the cardboard becomes part of the design.
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[…] Upcycle Project Progress: Egg carton vase […]
Hi Ari, I enjoyed reading your post and seeing the progess! I had a couple ideas for water proofing and increasing the structural integrity of the egg cartons. First, there are clear coating spray paints that could provide the cartons with waterproofing if enough coatings are applied. On the same note, I believe there are structural based sprays (like what they do to rock wall on the side of highways to make sure loose rocks don’t fall) that could make the cartons stronger. I am not sure if these ideas align with your project but just a thought.
Hi Max, thank you for pointing out some options on how to make the cardboard waterproof. I hadn’t thought about using structural-based sprays, so I will look into that!
Hi Ari! I was super interested in reading your project’s update. I’m excited to see how the egg cartons are incorporated into your final design, either as the vase itself or surrounding another vessel. I don’t exactly know how to solve your issue with “waterproofing” the cartons – Resin or some other type of plastic coating may work, but it kind of goes against the environmentally friendly concern of this project, since resin is super bad for the environment. I hope that you’re able to find a good solution to your current roadblock! I’m excited to see your future progress!
Hi Hailey, I might look into some resins that aren’t very harmful to the environment but I’m not sure if I will find any. Thank you for your advice!