My Progress: Industrial Modernist Shelf

Hello Everyone! 

As far as progress goes for my shelving unit, I am quite pleased with where I am. I have been doing extensive searches for material as this will be my most limiting factor and came up short for the last week. However, I was able to find someone on facebook marketplace who was giving away a set of metal curtain hangers. I have been messaging her and will find a good time to pick up the material this week so I can begin prep work. The current curtain hangers I have found provide me with 2 90 degree angle pieces and 96” of tubing. Below you can see the 90 degree angle that I am talking about. This photo is from the facebook marketplace advertisement. 

As I want to make multiple 90 degree angle transitions for my shelving unit I will have to find more of these angles. I think If I can get my hands on 4 more of these pieces I will be able to emphasize my aesthetic for this certain piece. In addition, since I have 96” of material I will be making several cuts and re-threading the ends of the piping. Below you can see the long portion of my piping. 

Here you can see the longer portion of my tubing and as they are separable components I will be able to meet them at a 90 degree junction allowing a funky shaping for my shelf. In addition, I will make more cuts down the length to allow for even more junctions. Finally, I am still looking for scrap material to use as the shelfs themselves. I think I will be able to utilize the practice welding pieces from the machine shop to do this. I will either tap my own holes through them and bolt them down or I will weld them (depending on the material). As for now, this is the progress I’ve made for my industrial modernist shelving unit. 


Moving Forward

As I move forward with my project I will soon designate a day to work in the shop to get the major components of the project moving in the right direction. I will also practice my welds on Thursday so I can get the best looking finished product. In addition, I will try to pick up the facebook marketplace parts by Friday along with more 90 degree angle connectors. 



Facebook Marketplace Ad


4 Comments. Leave new

  • Salutations Mr. Alexander Reynolds! I am a huge fan of this project idea, as I love brutalism and industrial facilities. I think this would look amazing in any modern house. What are you going to use? I think that 4 inch diameter aluminum tubing with 0.083″ wall thickness would look great, maybe you could borrow some from component design projects.

  • Alexis Cisneros
    February 12, 2024 9:58 am

    Hi Alex,
    I really like the aesthetic of your project. I went back and looked at your previous post to see what you were trying to accomplish. Overall it seems like you are making good progress towards your end goal. I would like to see some sort of sketch or design to see what you want your final design to look like. Great post overall!

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