I made a lamp shade that rotates from the rising heat of the light bulb.  It’s designed to be in a Goblincore or Cottagecore type aesthetic.

I didn’t take any progress photos but it took about 2 days to complete.

However, the process of creating this lamp shade is very simple and easy to describe.

First, I colored two sheets of paper with colored pencils in greens, browns, and oranges.  Next, I drew vine or root like shapes with brown markers.  Then I drew some leaves with orange and green markers.  After this, I taped these two pieces of paper into a cylindrical tube.  I then cut out the pinwheel top spokes out of these plastic circles I uncycled and secured then to the paper tube using tacks.  Finally, I added thin circles of wire to help keep the shape of the lamp shade.

The most challenging part of this project was connecting the pinwheel spokes to the center point because the kept wanting to slip out of my hand as I was combining them together.

All in all, I’m very proud of how this turned out considering that it came out very close to my original plan.  There’s not much I would have changed or done differently.  I will either actually use this in my everyday lamp use, or it will end up being kept as a keepsake in a box somewhere.  I like a more earthy kind of vibe in my room so this works perfectly for what I like to see.



All pictures from me

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Luke Prins
    May 8, 2024 6:30 pm

    I really like the hand drawn look, with the light turned on it looks very warm and cozy. I think the pin wheel turned out very clean as well, nice job!

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