Post 12: How

Figure 1: Project Timeline Fabrication   In order to make my final artifact, I started with my completed CAD models of each component and exported each one as a STL for 3d printing. I then printed test components to determine if the dimensions and fit were appropriate. In printing test prints on scrap PLA I…

Final Report Part 1: What

Initial Ideas and Inspiration For my final project, I wanted to create a custom deck box for Magic The Gathering cards and was inspired by this flower night light. My initial idea was to create a deck box that opens like a flower. I decided on a natural aesthetic mirroring the real forms of a…

Specifications and Constraints

In order to better understand my  project I must consider the driving specifications and constraints that will be behind the design. In terms of specifications, I aim to have my piece protect the cards it encloses, fit easily in a backpack, appear like a blooming flower when actuating, be easily operable, and look exciting. In…

Consideration of Alternative Aesthetics

In designing the aesthetic for my main dynamic project, I considered a wide range of potential aesthetics. These included minimalism and the arts and crafts aesthetic. Although I have opted not to make use of these aesthetics in my final product, considering the form of my project under different aesthetics has improved my understanding of…

Cybernetic Punk Soldering Table

For my up-cycling project I created a small soldering table. My up-cycling project aesthetic was Cybernetic Punk. It focuses on a hectic state of being terminally online, with motifs such as chaotic wires and cables, old computers, and confusing symbols and jargon. I choose this aesthetic for 2 main reasons. One is that I have…

Up-cycling Progress Report

For my up-cycling project, a cybernetic punk soldering table. I have made good progress in design and material sourcing, but still have notable manufacturing time ahead of me. In terms of materials, I have all the required materials to complete my project. These consist of a large collection of aluminum cans, which must be cut…

Aesthetic Exploration – Utilitarian Design

The utilitarian aesthetic is distinct and recognizable, but sometimes overlooked as an aesthetic decision. Since it emphasizes a focus on functionality over achieving specific aesthetic properties. Nonetheless, the usage of utilitarian philosophy in design produces distinct designs which can be evaluated aesthetically. The philosophy of Utilitarianism was first concretely defined in the early 19th century…