This semester started with my up-cycle project where I made a 50s style dress out of paper. Then for my final project I was inspired by The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, a show on Amazon set in the late 50s. I decided to learn a new skill for my project: sewing! I made my own sewing pattern out of paper, cut out all the pieces to size, and then sewed it all together. It took a lot more time than it should have because I have never done anything like this before.
Here are links to all my posts from the past semester! They go in-depth for the design process and outcome of both of my projects.
Up-cycle Project:
Aesthetic Explorations: Minimalism
Up-cycle Project Progress : Paper Dress
Up-cycle Project : Inspiration and Progress Report
Up-cycle Project : 50s Style Paper Dress Final Report
Final Project:
Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations
Top 5 Final Project Constraints
Comparison: 50s aesthetic to other fashions of the 20th century
Main Project Final Stretch Progress
Final Report Part 1 – What and How
Final Report Part 2 – Why and What Next
1 Comment. Leave new
It’s very cool that both your projects are about clothing design. I have to say both projects came out very aesthetically pleasing and I learned a lot about clothing design through your posts, good work! One area I think that maybe has room for improvment is to decrease the waist circumference for the 50s style coat.