Looking back on the course, I successfully completed the upcycle project and the main final project, learned a lot about aesthetics and their importance in every project, and picked up a few new skills along the way. I learned how to recognize and discuss different project aesthetics, how to effectively critique other colleague’s work, how to present my project designs to a person who has never seen them, and learned some new coding techniques. For the upcycle project, I decided to create an outdoor table for my apartment balcony out of used Keystone Ice beer cans. I used the cans as the four legs for the table and spray painted the Keystone Ice logo into a glass panel that I used for the table surface. I use this table regularly especially now that the weather is warmer. My upcycled beer can table can be seen in the image below.

For my final project, I decided to create a hand held smart mirror using an old iPad 2. I had to code what I wanted my smart mirror to display by using API keys and RSS feeds. I was able to make a project that had multiple functionalities, was within my budget and capabilities, and that I can now use on a regular basis. The iPad smart mirror sits on my desk at home and I can look at it first thing every day to see the weather, time, and relevant sports news. I was really happy with my final product and it can be seen in the image below.

Links to all my previous design and blog posts are below.
Aesthetic Exploration: Snowboarding
Aesthetics Game: Novelty Architecture/Dog Leash and Collar
Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations
Upcycle Project:
Upcycle Progress: Beer Can Furniture
Main Final Project:
Design Review: iPad Smart Mirror
Current vs 20th Century Design Movements
1 Comment. Leave new
great job on your projects Tanner. we all have learned a lot on this course and i hope we get to use those skills in the future.