Final Project Both Parts: Paludarium

The what: A paludarium is the combination between an aquarium and a terrestrial terrarium.  I have been in the aquarium hobby for over 12 years now and paludariums have always caught my eye.  Growing up I only ever owned aquariums that were created with false plants, plastic hides, and beginner fish.  Starting sophomore year of…

Constraints and Specs for Paudarium

Top 5 Specs: Must hold water: The tank must hold water in order to be successful.  This is fairly obvious but surprisingly difficult to accomplish. Durability: The tank has to be able to hold up long-term.  I plan on having this tank setup for many years and therefore the glass and all other aspects of…

Paludarium Design Review

Fro my final project I will be constructing a paludarium.  for those of you who don’t know what that is, a paludarium is a part water part land naturescape.  I will be using this paludarium to house my indian dwarf puffer Penelope.  I’ve made several aquariums in my day but never a paludarium.  I’m excited…

The Aesthetic of Nature

For my main project I have decided to focus on the aesthetic of nature.  While in last week’s post, I said that I identify with the mountainous aesthetic of Colorado, this project will be more jungle themed. For those of you that haven’t read my previous blog post about my final project, I have decided…

The Aesthetic of Ben Husa

I’d never really thought of my personal aesthetic until this class.  I assume that I, like many others have a lot of different aesthetics that we identify with.  I would say that growing up in Colorado, I would like to think that I have a relatively outdoorsy esthetic that aligns me with the mountains and…

Main Project Inspiration

Having just finished the upscale project, I haven’t put much thought into the main project.  Because of this, I have absolutely no idea what I want to do for it.  For this inspiration post, I suppose I will talk about things that I am passionate about and hopefully it will give me some inspiration.  The…

Climbing Mobile

As mentioned in previous progress posts, I constructed a mobile out of old climbing gear.  The aesthetic that I was striving for was that of the climbing gear itself.  I wanted to both show the beauty of it due to the inherit simplicity, and the fact that it hadn’t changed much over the years.  I…

Glimbing Gear Mobile

For my upscaling project, I am going to be making a mobile out of climbing gear.  When I say mobile, I mean like the ones hanging above a babies crib.  In my aesthetic post, I mostly talked about the design of climbing gear and how its changed (or not) over the years.  This gave me…

Climbing as an Aesthetic

I was inspired by the aesthetic chosen by Maya Rudd involving climbing.  As a frequent climber myself, I though it would be easy to incorporate climbing gear that I already have into my upscaling project.  I decided to make my aesthetic for my project climbing, but focusing on the art of balance.  Balance is a…

Punk as an Aesthetic

Punk is a aesthetic that is centered around the punk rock movement.  This movement started around the 1970’s and has influenced clothing, music, dance and even politics.  At its creation in the UK, punk was seen as the lifestyle of a rebel.  Those that didn’t fit in with the rest of the community and wanted…