Final Project Report 1: Wood Resin Table

Inspiration My initial inspiration from this project came from a sculpture that I saw in the VAC, it was a concrete sculpture that used some sort of epoxy to replicate a river. It looked very similar to this image which is a similar project that I found online. I wanted to do something with concrete…

Main Project Construction Update

After design review 2, I poured the epoxy resin in two stages.  The first pour was about 1/3 of the resin and took 4 hours to reach that “sweet” spot to start the next pour.  I successful completed the second pour and used a heat gun remove the air bubbles.  I then let it dry…

Design Review 2: Epoxy Resin Art

  I have now positioned the wood in the mold and will place weights over it to hold it down. Now that the wood and mold are set up, I move to prepping the resin.  I chose 1:1 ratio of epoxy resin to epoxy hardener.  I received a blue pigment that came with addition black…

Design Review 1: Epoxy Resin Art

Initial Design Process: With this change that has been going on, my project has changed as well. I am here in California and it has been problematic obtaining some of the tools to complete this project.  However, I will be falling back to one of the project ideas I mentioned in my alternatives, utilizing wood…

Top 5 Constraints 2020: Epoxy Resin Art

Here are the constraints for my main project: Time – The first constraint I need to keep in mind for this project is time.  Both of the materials I am using have lengthy setting and drying times.  Concrete takes 24-48 hours to dry and epoxy resin takes around 72 hours to completely cure.  With the…

Main Project Inspiration 2020: Epoxy Resin Art

  Epoxy resin is a class of reactive prepolymers that when combined with a hardener, molds into a solid plastic.  This resin can react with various other materials, including other epoxy resins to create beautiful works of art.  I have been exposed to epoxy resin during my earlier years at CU Boulder, in my freshman…

Upcycle Final Report: The Everything Drawer

For my Upcycle project, I wanted to create something that utilized materials found from my everything drawer. The everything drawer is a commonplace for items that do not have a  designated place to go.  The items placed in the everything drawer either are placed there and then never touched again, or are placed in the…

Upcycle Progress: The Everything Drawer

At this point, I have sketched up my idea for my upcycle project and have collected the necessary items from my everything drawer to make my idea come into being.  What I will be making with these items is a laser maze.  Essentially it will be an organization of mirrors on a board, which the…

Upcycle Inspiration: The Everything Drawer

When I was younger, and highly untidy, my parents would tell me “A place for everything, and everything in its place” to help teach me organization.  As I grew older, I realized that there was a loophole to this saying. This loophole was the everything drawer. This was a designated drawer in the house where…

Exploring Aesthetics: Space

In my first exploration, I will be diving into the aesthetics of space.  Many natural occurrences in space that create aesthetics that are appealing to look at.  One of these occurrences are supernovas.  Supernovas are the explosion of a star, magnitudes larger than any other explosion that occurs in outer space.  These defiant explosions occur…