Student Work

20th Century Design Influence

Early in my design studies, I was a die-hard modernist- bowing to the mighty power of grids and minimalism. I could have practically tattooed a big Helvetica “form follows function” on my forehead at that point. And although this aesthetic still figures heavily into the final project that I’m working on for this class, it’s far…

Design Influence and Update

I suppose a big influence in my design aesthetics is the bauhaus movement. Bauhaus has a lot of sharp angles and simple colors, which  I enjoy. I’m not sure what other aesthetic movements influenced my style because I don’t really know that many, and am not sure what my style is. I’ve always just made…

Tips on how to comment

Hi everyone! Prof. Hertzberg introduced me in class on Monday, but for those of you who didn’t catch it, my name is Thomas Briedis and I am taking over for Suchit as the TA for Aesthetics of Design. So far, I’ve read the posts and comments for the week before spring break and have started…

The Profile

I have gotten really busy with school and some things outside of it. To get into the meat of it, I am about a week behind on my schedule as I posted in my earlier posts. I have completed cutting out the oval/half heart shapes out of the wood and have started sanding them. As…

22 Chairs: Eames Lounge Chair

Today we had a bit of team time, and then looked at the first half of the 20th century furniture time line, using the Vitra Museum website. Then we looked at Charles and Ray Eames, and finally at the iconic lounge chair and ottoman. Full lecture notes:23 Timeline to Chairs

Anfal’s Wednesday progress post

Greetings! Over the spring I have obtained everything I wanted, I have an initial design and started cutting and putting fine print layouts on the address. Although, I have not attached anything to the dress prominently. I am still struggling with the batteries, I need to figure that out. This weekend I will be attaching things…

Bladeless Fan Progress 3/30

My design is coming along nicely and I have received my first set of items. I am very pleased with how the man operates and the push button looks to work well. I should be able to begin printing next Monday. I have designed my fan so that the head piece is removable. Considering that…

Surreal Stirling Engine Update

For my surreal stirling engine, the main parts that I got made are the displacer and power piston connecting rods, and the pin connectors that link the connecting rods to their respective pistons (the glass syringe plungers). Designing these connectors was difficult because the plungers need to press-fit into the units in order to avoid using harsh adhesives.…

Infinity mirror update

    Update: During spring break, I spent a lot of time machining the frame and finally assemble them together. Since the machine shop was closed during spring break. I went to a family-owned machine shop in Longmont to cut all the glass and framed them together. And I put the LED lights into the…

Macro Music Box Project Update 3/30

It’s been a good and bad few weeks for this project; I’ll start with what went well. I was successful in making 20 keys to be used in the final deliverable, which turned out be be a very time consuming process. I wanted to avoid using a router to give them a handmade appearance, which…

Final Project Inspiration

Like I outlined in my design review, most of my project inspiration came from my love for bikes, especially riding them. This gave the motivation to create something that is geometrically specific to my physiology. Likewise I can add personal touches in things like the paint and tune ride characteristics to how I want them.…

Custom Frame Update March 16

I’ve been working to get all the prep work done and finalize the geometric design of my tubes. The manufacturing side is nearly ready to begin, so I’m only a little behind. I’ve also started looking into how I want to paint it and what the best method will be.

Alcohol Stove Design Influences

Over spring break I experimented with polishing cans to achieve a shiny look for the exterior of the stove. The process of polishing cans proved to be rather difficult for anodized cans since no solvents really do the trick. To get a polished finish I used a sanding sponge first, then wet 600 grit sandpaper…

March 30th Update – Neo Parasol

Currently I have all of the materials I need ready to go! I removed the original black plastic umbrella fabric and have used it to measure and cut all eight white lace panels needed to construct the parasol. During this process I discovered that the frame isn’t actually made from wood like how the product…

Project Update 3/30 |Peter

Unfortunately, over break I did not have all the parts needed for my project and as a result, did not achieve tons more on my project. I have designed an initial prototype part to be 3D printed that serves as a frame for both the solar panels and the magnet wire based off of a thingiverse project posted by user…

Desk Garden 3/30 Update

I wasn’t as productive over break as I would have hoped. I got sick, but I did get something done. I finally nailed down my design (yay!). I also built a couple parts of it and got everything else ready to 3D print. I haven’t looked at the electronics again, but I will as soon…

Dan Cafe Bicycle Update

My original inspiration and motivation behind the bicycle was a feeling and emotion that I can’t quite put my finger on although I tried to in a few posts here and here. If it was subconsciously influenced by any aesthetic movements would say the closest is a combination of art deco and streamlining. I wanted…

LED Orb – March 30th Update

Over the last 2 weeks I have learned how to use the 3D printers in the ITLL, learned more about the electronics side of things, bought all my parts, and designed the majority of the frame and control panel.  I’m going to try to finish the CAD this week so I can prototype and test…

MIDI Drum Pad – Constraints

With a heavy load for senior design and mechatronics in March, I’ve fallen behind on my posts.  Here are the top 5 constraints for my MIDI drum pad.  Sensor Overlap My MIDI drum pad uses a number of piezoelectric sensors to detect when the drum pads are struck. These sensors are moderately sensitive – enough…

Progress (sort of)

As far as design movements go I seem to be pulling heavily toward a modern aesthetic, due to the crisp clean lines and matching repeated geometric shapes, the materials may suggest a bit of Bauhaus, being machined aluminum, G-10 composite, and 3D printed plastic. Other design cues stem from streamlining, the curved exterior form should…

Swing bike inspiration and progress

The aesthetic I planned to apply to my swing bike is a sort of freestyle, messy, carefree one. Instead of an organized, meticulous paintjob I’m going for something scattered and fun, to match the spirit of the swing bike. That would be something similar to what Squid bikes does with their frames, but also partially…

20th Century Influence

I intentionally create a project that mixed several different styles and influences together. There is a slight influence of the Radical Design movement. The design has clean lines and geometric shapes. The color scheme derives from the Pop movement. It feeds off of the bright colors and tends to draw the eye. This is a combination…

Wind Chimes Update + Aesthetics Game

I’ve made a decent amount of progress on my project in the last week. I finally decided what notes my chimes will play.  Since it is a Navy/Engineering aesthetic that I’m going for, I’ve decided to use a C Major key since that is the key that “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins is played in.…

Project Update 3/30/16: Backlight Panorama

Progress Update The panorama has been moving forward at a slow but steady pace. I’ve been making incremental progress, and as expected, I’ve begun to fall behind. Coding for the panorama has proved to be more of a challenge than expected as the pre-written code does not behave as I had previously expected. I’ve been…

Speaker Guitar Update

If you haven’t been following along, in my last update I had just gotten the amplifier circuitry working but with just noise coming out when the guitar is plugged in.  Through a bit of finagling I was able to get a clean signal coming through the power amplifier and to the speaker.  The speaker was…

Longboard design movements + march 30th update

Longboarding has been around for a about 65 years. Originally, the sport was perpetuated by surfers in California when the waves weren’t breaking. This promoted the “classic beach look” of longboards. The main directions the sport has gone since then, are transportation, freeride, downhill, cruising, and travel. Boards vary in functionality and aesthetic with each…

Immersion Wheel – Aesthetic Timeline Context

The Immersion Wheel motif references the Art Deco movement. Notice the repetitive lines and spade shapes that both the wheel and art deco have in common: Another characteristic of Art Deco are the radiant symmetry as seen in the sunburst over the door of the Milwaukee Gas Light Building built in 1930.

Bike Frame Influences

Originally, I was aiming for a highly angular design with bright colors and brush fonts, similar to the 80s “High Tech” aesthetic. I’ve moved over to a more conservative aesthetic, that I see as having numerous, more poorly defined design inspiration. I have always been fascinated by blued steel and gilding, which I see…

Project Update: Glass Writing Boards – March 29

Here are updates on my project since my big update last time (link). The important update is that I was able to finish my first prototype before spring break! Goals: Create product to include in presentation to facilities/ResLife Test manufacturing methods Gain clarity on future design changes, specifically focusing on the framing. Wood, extruded metal,…

Aesthetics Game

The Aesthetics Game before break, Matt Sturm and I got “Spaghetti Western” and “Baby Crib. To the left, we have the baby tombstone with the mobile. The head of the best is stylized after a headstone, the legs are shovels and the crib is lined with barbed wire to keep baby safe. From the rattlesnake…

Sami’s Project Update 3/30

Spring Break ended up going pretty well for my project as the piece continues to come together. I had previously prototyped out a template for my acrylic out of foam core and started to play around with the LED strip to see if I had gotten the spacing correct. The results can be seen below.…

Infinity Mirror-Clock update

As anticipated, because I was out of the state for the entire break up until today I was unable to do any work on the clock this past week.  However, since this was planned and anticipated at the start of the project, this does not set back the project.  The next step is to begin…

Fiber-Optic Jellyfish Update

The project is going very well so far. The aesthetic I a going for is more of a post-modern aesthetic with the use of the fiber-optics and LED’s showing off the modern glowing blue light. A part of post-modern art is that it gives off the look of perfection; that perfect, precise look is what…


At this point in my project, I have acquired the blades and materials for a potential mount.  I am going to head to McGuckins later today to pick up material for the wind vane and arbor.  I am also browsing online to find a suitable motor that I can purchase by the end of this…

Meridith’s Update – 3/30/16

The video above demonstrates my LilyPad light sensor theremin that is now working. Right now it is sewn on to a piece of black felt so that when I have the rest of the components functioning I can add them to the overall project. In terms of those other components, I was hesitant to start…

Mechanical Buffalo Progress 3-30-16

Progress: Ralphie II works well, though I accidentally broke off a small piece of it and replaced it with a bit of tape. Here’s a small animation: Buffalo Snail! Problems: Progress on Ralphie III is going much slower than expected. I have decided that I want the buffalo’s legs to move in a somewhat natural gait.…

3/30 Pearl’s Progress Report

I have come to a larger roadblock in my design process at this point. I had high aspirations and hopes before Spring Break, but now I am feeling the pressure of time and getting my project done. I wasn’t able to work on my project much over break due to the lack of equipment available…

Ferrofluid Sculpture Update

The past week or so has been a great breakthrough for my project. I have found and ordered most of my parts, completed the necessary drawings to manufacture any necessary parts, and started to cut glass. Knowing that creating the glass encasing is going to be the most tedious aspect of this project, it became…

21 Timeline Engagement

Today we played the Aesthetics Game, but instead of the random aesthetics we used the major design movements of the 20th Century, as defined by Fiell and Fiell. Check the posts category Student Work > 2016 > Aesthetics Game > 20th Century design movements. We will continue presentations of the results on Wednesday. In other…


an update on the progress for the coffee brewer: Have finished discussing what my friend wants from the design cleanable second path for individual cup also (if time) easy to use valves for easier/cleaner setup same or bigger size than his current setup I have started specing out parts and equipment needed wood – homedepot…

Nixie Clock | 3/16 Progress Report

Nixie Update! I’ve received all my components in the mail, and need to schedule a few hours in the electronics lab to start soldering. Some sweet photos:   Nixie Tube! I love the look of these. I haven’t seen them fired up yet, but I can’t wait!   Empty board! This will be split down…

Speaker Guitar Progress

I spent a fair amount of time working on this project over the break.  I currently have both amplifier circuits wired and functioning with an input from the waveform generator so we are off to a good start. Pre-Amplifier For the pre-amplifier I simply copied a popular design seen a lot in guitar forums originally…